Nanoman's Company Information

Nanoman's Company

At the time of this writing, Nanoman's Company isn't accepting new customers or new projects. When this changes, an announcement will be made on our News page.

Nanoman's Company is a Canadian business that specializes in IT (Information Technology). Our business was registered in 2002.

What We Do

We are passionate about creating systems that are highly reliable, secure, efficient, easy to maintain, forward compatible, and ethically crafted. We build servers, workstations, networks, data management systems, telephone systems, and much more. We create paperless offices, enable telecommuting, improve organizational efficiency, and implement other IT modernization solutions.

Our Customer Service

Every customer and every order is unique, so we tailor our work to fit each specific need. We consistently do our best to ensure that every customer is fully satisfied with our work, and we are often praised for our patience, persistence, and communication skills.

We want our customers to feel confident in our work, so we welcome questions, suggestions, and criticisms. We also educate our customers to help them become more self-sufficient.

Technology is constantly changing, so we actively study new and upcoming developments to identify how to better support the long-term needs of our customers. With every recommendation we make, we consider what will be best for our customers, both now and in the future.

Our Principles

We've always been open and honest with our customers, and we're not sycophants. We admit our limitations, we don't shy away from expressing our concerns, and we will refuse work that conflicts with our professional ethics.

The privacy of our customers is extremely important to us. For more information, please read our Privacy Policy.

We frequently volunteer our time and expertise toward causes like human rights and the protection of our environment. We urge everybody to vote for leaders who are committed to fixing our broken planet.

Where We Are

We've never spent any money or time on advertising, and we don't have or want a social media presense. All our business has come from people we've known and their referrals, and we're quite satisfied with the results.

Toronto and Durham Region are our main geographical territories. We will support customers elsewhere, but travel expenses and/or other conditions may apply.

Our Story

People have been paying us for our IT knowledge and skills since 1994. If you want to learn about our origins, challenges, failures, and successes, please visit our History page.