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Nanoman's Company News: Updated and New Company Information Pages

Updated and New Company Information Pages

2016-07-19 00:00:00 -04:00 by Nanoman

We've updated two of our company information pages:

  1. Nanoman's Company. After years of showing almost nothing, this page now includes a summary of who we are, what we do, and how we operate.
  2. Privacy Policy. We've re-written this page to clarify why our privacy policy exists, to provide some details about how we protect the privacy of our customers, and information about disclosures to third parties.

We've also added two new pages:

  1. Transparency Reports. We believe that our customers have a right to know about our experience with government requests for customer information. To date, we have never received any such requests, and we have no reason to suspect that we ever will. If we ever receive such a request, we will announce it on our News page.
  2. History of Nanoman's Company. We're often asked about our origin story, and we've told it in fragments throughout the years, but we hadn't compiled it into anything comprehensive until now. This page isn't complete, but we think it's a pretty good start.

Please note that we still aren't accepting new customers or new projects. When this changes, an announcement will be made on our News page.